My Cool Friends and What we do!

Hello everyone! This is Duke and this page is dedicated to all of my wonderful friends. Mainly the people I show the site to! Woo hOO!

Cool Kid of the Week!

Stew Waterman!

Why he is cool...
Stew is cool because I say so. And if you disagree you can kiss my ass. Because I think he is cool and it doesn't matter what you think. Besides, you know deep inside you think he is cool too. YOUR THE LOSER!

The Wonderful Sounds of Waterman!


Why the ladies love Stew...
The ladies love Stew because he is dead sexy and they just can't resist. I mean, I am a straight guy and I dunno... sometimes I get tempted by him... Whewy! Anywho... Stew is also loved by the ladies because of his 10 inch weiner! That's right ladies, 10 inches of raw manpower. Want a piece of that? Well there is a line around the corner and down Main Street. And the first two lucky ladies are...
She wants him so bad!----------->

